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I'm an award-winning journalist, researcher, and illustrator writing about climate change and environmental justice.


Journalism and writing 

My work has appeared in The Guardian, Nature Climate Change, Floodlight, The Washington Post, Grist, Atmos, Slate, Capital and Main, and elsewhere. My reporting on climate tipping points for Grist won a 2021 Online News Association's Online Journalism Award. My reporting on residential drilling in California won a 2022 LA Press Club Southern California Journalism Award. I was a 2022-2023 climate initiative fellow for the Solutions Journalism Network



Currently, I'm a researcher at Rewiring America, where I am conducting research at the intersection of labor, environmental justice, and climate solutions. I hold an MSc from Oxford in Environmental Change and Management and was formerly a Ph.D. student in Geography at UCLA, where I was a 2019-2020 National Science Foundation trainee.


Email me: alexandriaherr [at] gmail [dot] com




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